Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tip Of The Week: Use Google Forms To Create A Grading Rubric

I've often received this question from teachers: "Do you know of a more efficient way I can grade my students' projects (or essays)?".  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to come up with the perfect answer to that question.  As teachers, we all have our own personal method of how best to grade assignments; so it's difficult to provide a solution that would meet the needs of all teachers.  However, thanks to a tweet from @Thracymachus (Charles Cooper) of Northwest ISD that dealt with this very topic I can now share his thoughts with you, and let you decide if they suit your needs.

The idea is that the teacher creates a single form that includes the rubric content and all student names.  As the teacher is grading the project/essay, he or she is selecting the student from a drop down list; clicking the scores received for each category of the rubric; and then submitting the form.  This process continues until all students' assignments have been graded.  At this point, the teacher runs a script from the responses spreadsheet and sends project grades to students with a single click.  The video below details the steps.  I hope you find value in this particular use of forms for your classroom!  If you have a good idea for using forms in the classroom please share!

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