Monday, September 30, 2013

Tip Of The Week: Managing Blogger and Google+

For those of you who have a Google+  profile and a blog you may have noticed that your blog posts are magically appearing on your Google+ page.  Google has recently enabled automatic sharing on all public blogs that are linked to Google+ profiles, and the default setting for this new feature is "public".  This means that every time you post something on your blog it is automatically shared publicly  (not just within your circles) on Google+.  There are ways to manage this setting, though.  So, if you would like to control  what blog information is shared to Google+ follow these simple steps:

1. From click on the title of your blog

2. Click the "Google+" tab  located in the left side bar

3. Within your Google+ settings select the setting you prefer:
    • Automatically . . . (will not receive any notification that your post has been attached to Google+)
    • Prompt . . . (will receive a notification that asks you if you would like to share the post to Google+)

***If neither of the above options appeals to you, leave both boxes unchecked and none of your blog posts will be shared to your Google+ profile.  

There is one final management option for this situation:  Once you publish a blog post you can share to Google+ directly through the posts themselves:
  1. From, click on the "Posts" tab located in the left side bar.
  2. Hover over any published post's title and look for "Share"
  3. Click on "Share" to control viewing options within Google+

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