Friday, November 1, 2013

This Week's Spotlight:

When I discovered my mind began working immediately, thinking of all the ways I could have used this in my classroom had I known about it. is a note taking tool that syncs the user's notes with a video that is being viewed.  In other words, typed notes are time stamped to correlate with the point of the video in which the notes were taken.  It's super efficient because the app allows the notes to be pulled up right alongside the video, itself.  So, no more pausing the video to open Evernote (or whatever your note taking doc happens to be).

My initial thoughts about its application in the classroom:
  1. Well . . . sometimes the content of an entire video isn't really necessary for the lesson being taught.  With a teacher can "note" which portion(s) of the video are relevant to the lesson, share the with the class, and students access those pertinent segments with a simple click.
  2. Or . . . maybe you want the students to show their personal level of comprehension over a given topic.  They, too, can use using their Chrome Book then share back with you.
I've provided an example of  Click here to see it.  (Click on the yellow highlighted time stamps and watch how the video reverts back to that particular segment).

There are several advantages to the app:
  • the user can connect to his or her Google Drive
  • the user can "sign in" with their Google account which eliminates the whole log in process
  • as stated earlier, notes are time stamped to correlate with the video segment point in which the notes were typed
  • notes appear right beside the video
  • users can access notes for review and click on any time stamp to be brought back to that segment of the video.
  • notes can be exported to Evernote
  • notes can be shared in the same process Google Drive items are shared
The tutorial below will teach you how to get started.

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